Friday, November 18, 2011


After three days of traveling we arrived in Boot key harbor, The trip was wonderful a great day with flat sea's arrived at 5pm a 10 hour day. But today was another problem after problem First the dingy that I spent 7 days fixing and repairing patching and glueing. the bottom let go and it was full of water. So thank god I keep the old one. Then my new less then 7 months old Inverter , battery charger that I paid over $2000.00 failed. New one won't arrive until Tuesday of new week. Let's hope things get better.


  1. Enjoy following your blog. I haven't read all the old posts -- what kind of trawler did you end up with after all the years of sailing? How do you like power boating so far?

    John Schieffelin
    Newport, RI

  2. Enjoy following your blog too my friend.
    Is this the boater's life? always something broken or just about , the wallet is always opend, LOL!
    things seems to get more worn out went you dont use them for a period of time , same with cars

    hope things get good from now on and that you get a great season

    your bud!

    Gino Tremblay
    Halifax, NS
