Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Crossing Yarmouth to Bar Hbr Maine

29-Aug-2010 18:26:16

0620 hrs, left Yarmouth, just dawn with the sun rising behind us, what a pretty sight.
No Wind  or sea what a better day could we get. Well we saw several whales,
lots of porpious, a three or four sun fish, we think that we hit one later on during the day, we heard a "thud",
but we did not see anything.The winds picked up late in the day, arrived in Bar Hbr entrance @ 1720, so we had a great day crossing. The gods were with us, we must be doing something right.
The Wind Guru was right on.Its hotter as the hinges of hell here, lots of water and tourist traffic.
Time for a cold beer, and R/R, until supper, which we made in the "slow cooker"
along the way, this is a "TRAWLERMAN" life. :)
2000 hrs, we got cleared by US Customs, very nice young guy, never chcked anything except our passports.
Now Hurricane Earl is heading our way, so have to find a safe haven for when its arrives, lets say we will not be in Bar Hbr!!!, probably Northeast Hbr, about 7 nm up the coast. We were there before, very well sheltered, space will be at a premium, tomorrow we will try and get a spot.
More later

1 comment:

  1. sounds like a great trip so far. Hope Earl will not hold you up too long. Keep the faith!!!!
