Friday, February 25, 2011

Miami Yacht Club and Key Largo

Several days ago we arrived in Miami spent three night at the Yacht Club. We met several people from NS including retired RCMP member(Ralph Weaton) that Lane knew quite well. Also Jim Duncan, a former Yarmouth boy, his dad fished the NS waters. He is 79 and looked liked a 60 year old.

Today we travel to Key Largo, and anchored in "tarpon Basin", is was 52 stuatue miles. Along the way we were passed by a very large number of cigarette boats, man were they loud and going the speed of sound. We saw them later just in Key Largo, and they were having a photo shoot with the slim girl models parading their bodies. later they came by us again, helicopter flying over them and us. I think that we were in some of the shots?? But we could not keep up with them, and they were long gone!!!

Had a nice BBQ, and relaxed on the boat, the stars are out and its flat calm. Tomorrow we are going to check out the sites at Key Largo....more later.

Time for one last cocktail and ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ


  1. Hi Scott

    Wish i were ther with you


  2. Hi Scott Lane & Tina,
    I am sooooo jealous. Glad you got to update the blog and add pictures - at least it proves I was there only a few short hours ago. Miss you so much. Chico is only minimally glad to see me - oh well. Take care and enjoy until we meet again soon. Love you so much.

  3. Hey;
    Sounds like you guys are having fun - sun, cocktails and all!!! I always liked the ICW from Miami down the keys - very interesting. The rest of the ICW - not so much! We are in St. Lucia - arrived yesterday. At least you guys are having great weather it has been stormy - high winds and seas with lots of rain for the last month. We had sea height of 12 ft. with wind in the mid-20's/30's from St. Martinique to St. Lucia - thank God it was aft of our beam!! With very reefed sails we saw 9.3 knots on the GPS - must have been that big wave!! Take care and have fun.

  4. Hi Scott,

    Have read your blogs on your travel and found them to be very interesting,and was interested in putting an exclusive post published on your site.

    Please let us know,if you are interested.

    Tried to find your email but could not so putting as post the request.

