Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Cold Beer saves Friends

Well Tony and his wife Lelah came to visit from Moncton yesterday, We had lunch and a couple of beers, It was great to see them on Boxing day. Where as Tony is a pilot and his wife is taking lesson they decided to go over to the airport and take a flight on a bi-plane that charters. Because there was another couple waiting and the wait was going to be an hour. Tony got the taste for another beer and returned to Dockside.While sitting enjoying our second round we heard a plane fly over very low. Well it crashed off Sombrero beach no more then a mile from were we are. No one was hurt all three were rescued.
Well if they had waited they would have been on that plane. The Crash can be seen on youtube.
Good thing Tony enjoyes a cold beer


  1. Hey Scott

    Pretty exciting for sure.
    Say hello to Tony for me and Glad he does like beer.

    Missing Marathon

  2. Thank God for cold beer. Glad that he came back for another one... And that nobody was hurt.


    Hey Donnie, when are you coming down for a cold one?? Dockside misses you to.....
    Happy New Year to you Donnie...

  3. Hey Scott,

    Happy Birthday! I know you had a great day.

    Joy and Jim
